

Emma 💜

Lovely Emma first walked into our lives with her twin sister Emily in May 2020. Both the most gentle sheep, they were orphans at only 3 months old.

Emma & Emily were used for breeding before they were even a year old. Heartbreakingly, Emily died from an unchecked infection after birthing and losing two of her own lambs. Emma felt the loss of her sister deeply and cried frequently for her twin.

Emma went on to have twins Albert and Domino (who are also sponsor-sheep!) at the bottom of Hayley’s garden. She was the sweetest, doting mother to her boys and then a year later gave birth to two girls, Victoria and Emily.

Luckily we were able to save Emma and all four of her babies and are all now living happy and safe lives at the sanctuary!

Become part of the Lotus family today and sponsor Emma!