

Lupin 💜

Lupin is one of our favourite sheep here at the sanctuary (shh, don’t tell the others!).

In May 2023, Hayley had driven to a farm in Wiltshire to rescue two other lambs from slaughter; Tiny and Berry (also available for sponsor-sheep!). Upon arrival, the farmer told Hayley about a n orphaned lamb nicknamed 'Ghost’, because his little life was hanging in the balance. The farmer intended to take him on a one way trip to the market later that day.

Of course, Hayley agreed to also rescue ‘Ghost’. ‘Ghost’ was an adorable little lamb, not suited to his name at all, and after a few tries, he was officially named Lupin, after the Harry Potter character.

He is a very gentle soul and loves nothing more than a cuddle. He has become a complete mummy’s boy, and follows Hayley wherever she goes.

Become part of the Lotus family today and sponsor Lupin!