Say hello to Clarence! He is just the most adorable sweetest boy ever and our first rescue pig!
Clarence has remarkable story… He managed to escape from a nearby slaughterhouse in the autumn of 2022, and was found dirty and skinny by a lovely local lady who took him in to live with her cows. He had been living in the woods not too far from where the sanctuary now is. Tragically, his saviour was killed in a car crash outside Woodmancote Place park in the November of the same year.
Poor Clarence had just been rescued and now found himself waiting to be shot by the land owners who planned to feed him to their dogs.
But we would not allow that to happen, so on the 6th July 2023 Hayley and her husband went to collect him and bring him to his forever home.
He was very thin and had awful sore skin, but is now a happy healthy boy that will spend the rest of his life roaming Woodmancote Place’s deer park, and yes there are actual deer there that are now his friends!
It just seems like it was just meant to be!