

Dolly 💜

Meet our superstar, Dolly!

We are sure many of you are already familiar with this beautiful girl, she made quite an impact on our social media!

Dolly came to us in January 2024, having been the victim of a brutal dog attack, in which she lost her sister Polly. Dolly and Polly were originally bought as pets but after the attack, her owner realised Dolly needed specialist care.

The day Dolly arrived at the sanctuary, she had to have her ears removed, because the tissue had died and began to rot after the attack. Her eye had been punctured by the dog bite and she had bite marks all around her neck. We created a fundraiser for her veterinary care, and the response we got was absolutely incredible.

Because of the support we received, Dolly has had the best care possible, and she has been improving tremendously since. We are so proud of how far this girl has come, and her beautiful, sweet, and sassy personality is shining through!

Become part of the Lotus family today and sponsor Dolly!